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文件名 大小 更新时间; MR文件解压缩(全部厂家).py: 852 : 2020-03-04 批量建立MRS数据表.py: 3928 : 2019-09-10 批量解析华为MRO文件.py Optimizations — Theano 1.0.0 documentation Optimizations¶ Theano applies many kinds of graph optimizations, with different objectives: simplifying and standardizing the form of the expression graph (e.g. merge, add canonicalization), reducing the maximum memory footprint (e.g. inplace_elemwise), increasing execution speed (e.g. constant folding). The optimizations are listed in roughly chronological order.
TA-Lib : Technical Analysis Library - Home TA-Lib is widely used by trading software developers requiring to perform technical analysis of financial market data. Includes 200 indicators such as ADX, MACD, RSI, Stochastic, Bollinger Bands etc Python Algorithmic Trading Library. PyAlgoTrade is a Python Algorithmic Trading Library with focus on backtesting and support for paper-trading and live-trading.Let’s say you have an idea for a trading strategy and you’d like to evaluate it with historical data and see how it behaves.
Static Type Checkers, also see awesome-python-typing. mypy - Check variable types during compile time. typeshed - Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types. pyre-check - Performant type checking. Static Type Annotations Generators. MonkeyType - A system for Python that generates static type annotations by collecting runtime types
移动平滑异同平均线(Moving Average Convergence Divergence,简称MACD指标)策略。MACD是查拉尔·阿佩尔(Geral Appel)于1979年提出的,由一快及一慢指数移动平均(EMA)之间的差计算出来。“快”指短时期的EMA,而“慢”则指长时期的EMA,最常用的是12及26日EMA。 MACD指标是运用快速(短期)和慢速(长期)移动平均 Python for循环详解_Python_JOKER___Z的博客-CSDN博客 Python程序中for循环用法详解一个通用的序列迭代器,用于遍历任何有序的序列对象内的元素,可用于字符串、元组、列表和其它内置可迭代对象,以及通过类所创建的新对象。1、for循环语法格式:forex 博文 来自: Field_Yang的博客 ffn - Financial Functions for Python — ffn 0.3.0 documentation